Partners lawyers:
phd. Ilie DUMITRU
managing partner
Studies :
– PHD canditate in law science,
– Master candidate Taxation and financial policies (2016-),
– Master in European Social Law (2013-2015),
– Postgraduate studies of pedagogy : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Teacher Training Department (2001-2002),
– Postgraduate studies of Romanian-French business law: Université de droit des Affaires Franco-Roumain – Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Bucharest University, in cooperation (2000-2001),
– Law degree: Faculty of law, Bucharest University (1996).
Professional experience:
– Lawyer, member of Bucharest Bar Association (1997- to date)
– Mediator, member of the Mediation Council and Association of mediators in the banking and finance area FINBAN (2013 – to date)
Drept penal social, (coautor), Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti, 2016, ISBN 978-606-673-840-8
Social criminal law, (co-author), Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016, ISBN 978-606-673-840-8
Articles / studies / conferences:
“Water, a geostrategic and geopolitical objective”, co-author, International conference “Education and creativity for a knowledge based society”, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, november 2014.
“The criminal offences regulated by special laws include the one stipulated by art. 264 (4) of Law no. 53/2003 – Labour Code”, in Criminal Law Review, ISSN 2248–0528, Volume V, Issue 1, Ian. – Iun. 2015.
“Day laborers versus employee. Comparative study” in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no. 2/2015, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534
“Work through temporary employment – Analysis of the national regulatory framework in the light of Directive 2008/104/EC” in Studies of public security, vol.IV Special Edition (june 2015), ISSN 2284-8592.
“About the limits of freedom of expression” in Studies of public security, vol.IV Special Edition (june 2015), ISSN 2284-8592.
“’Je suis Charlie’ from a legal perspective”, in the book of “The international conference on social, political and humanistic sciences “Education, research, innovation in the knowledge era”, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, mai 2015
“Legislative Outlook in the posting of workers in the European Union by 2016. The transposition of Directive 2014/67/EU” in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no.9/2015, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534.
“Discrimination against workers on grounds of religion and belief – a current issue of the European Union in the context of Muslim refugees’ migration”, in the book of Conference of non-discrimination and equal opportunities NEDES 2015, Parliament Palace, Bucharest, 2015, ISSN 2344-6722 and ISSN 2344-5629.
“Internship, a special form of work. Or the need to review Romanian legislation regarding the students’ hiring”, in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no. 2/2016, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534
“Performance or practicing illegal a profession”, in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no. 3/2016, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534.
“European Union between the refugee crisis and the provisions of international law”, in the book of the International conference of law, european studies and international relations, 3rd edition, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, mai 2016, ISBN 978-606-27-0607-4
“Immigration, disturbing factor for the legal order of the European Union”, in the book of the Conference of the PhD schools, 4th edition, Police Academy, Bucharest, 2016.
“Rights workers posted from one Member State to another Member State of the European Union”, in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no.5/2016, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534.
14. “The current migration burst and its impact on the dynamics of European integration”, intervention on the Round Table “The EU external border management: challenges and contradictions”, European Parliament, june 2016.
15. ”Immigration, disturbing factor for the legal order of the European Union” (revised article) in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no.6/2016, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534.
16. “International air transport of passengers and luggage, from tourist industry and the rights of tourists perspective”, in the Conference “Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium”, organized bz The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 25-26 november 2016, ISBN 978-606-94312-0-7 (E-Book).
17 “Considerations on the legality of dismissal of pregnant women, childbed women and breastfeeding women”, in Romanian Journal of Labour Law no.10/2016, ISSN: 2286-0606 / 1582-7534.
He speaks Romanian, English and French.
You can mail him at ilie.dumitru[a round]
Valentin-Lucian FLUERARU
– Master candidate in Business Law (2016-)
– The National Institute for Training and Development of Lawyers (2014-2015)
– Law degree (2012)
Professional experience:
– Lawyer, member of Bucharest Bar Association (2013-prezent)
– he practice particularly in the fields of commercial and corporate law, tax law, civil law, family law, public administration law.
He speaks Romanian and English.
You can mail him at valentin.flueraru[a round]
Associate lawyers:
Junior lawyers:
International cooperations:
Loredana Moldavskiy Law Office
12 Tioken Rd, Spring Valley, NY.
Mrs. Loredana Moldavskiy is degree in law at Pace University School of Law (USA) and member of the New York Bar.
It has specialized in family law matters, immigration, citizenship, residence and employment insurance.
Email: loremira[arond]
National cooperations:
Sos. Oltenitei no. 34, nr. 5C, ground, nr. 4, sector 4, Bucharest
Phone: +4.0722.524.577; Fax: +4.021.332.24.27
E-mail: beangasteluta [arond]
Bd. Corneliu Coposu, No. 5, bl.103, sc.3, 2nd floor, ap. 54, sector 3, Bucharest
Phone / fax: +4.021.320.80.89; phone: +4.0744.675.650 / 0722.238.390
E-Mail: executorparvan [arond]
Bd. Decebal, nr. 14, bl. S6, sc. B et. 6, ap. 42, sector 3, the intercom 42, Bucharest
Phone: +4.0723.518.844; Fax: +4.021.323.61.36
E-mail: office [arond]
Mihaela Buruiana is authorized English-French translator.
Email: mihaela.m.buruiana [arond]